On Wednesday, April 17th, Mr. Crutcher and Mr. Tucker took several students on a workforce development trip. This event, held in Springfield Missouri, attracts high school students from over 40 different schools across 10 counties. A few of the activities there included: making marshmallow guns out of PEX tubing, building bridges with MSU students, operating construction equipment, learning about 3D architecture, building brick walls, and many more.
Build My Future was a one day construction career day for students to see many of the careers available that are hands on, as well as quick ways to get into the workforce. During this workforce development trip, students learned the following: what kind of training they need, what they can expect their starting wage to be, what a normal day like, and if there is a chance to earn more.
During this event, students got to interact with individuals employed in the construction industry. Hale Beckley (11) stated, “I operated a garbage truck, crane, virtual reality welding simulation, as well as assembled the pipe for the pipe filters union.”
“I enjoyed this trip because, I wanted to see all of the jobs that were available to me that were hands on work, and I discovered a variety of opportunities,” added Beckley.
“We attended this event so the students could see some of the job opportunities available,” said Ag Construction teacher, Mr. Crutcher.
This event really highlighted some skills trades that interested a lot of the students, and would heavily benefit them after they graduate high school. Mr. Crutcher stated, “The trend has been for graduating seniors to pursue a degree at a 4 year college; however, the majority of the high-paying careers are the skilled trades, Build My Future gave students an opportunity to explore career choices.”