The Impossible Whopper Review


Writer, Jocelyn Roberts

Jocelyn Roberts

The Impossible Whopper is the new veggie burger at Burger King. The burger has a very fake flavor and although it tastes like a Whopper, you can definitely tell that it’s not real flavoring. It also tasted very sweet at one point, specifically when you take your second bite, which is a very nice taste, but after a while it just seems so fake.

Without lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, (etc.), then it is bland. It very chewy and that feeling makes you want to give it to the dogs.  The flavor lingers in your mouth and is very everlasting. It isn’t a terrible taste but after awhile it just isn’t what you want.

In all honesty, I would definitely give this a 5/10. I would recommend if you were vegetarian but it wasn’t the best veggie burger to get. If you were starving and had nothing to eat then that would be great, but never will I get it again. It seems like something you would get at a bad Chinese restaurant that tries to make American food, but fails. So all in all only get it if your vegetarian or your starving and have nothing better to eat.