The Power in Fair Grove Pep!

December 8, 2021

Pep Club cheering on the football team at Lamar on November 11, 2021.

Fair Grove High School’s Pep Club can be seen consistently at basketball, volleyball, and football games, although few are aware of exactly what goes into the Pep Club.

Pep Club member, Lauren Thomlinson (11), explained that she prefers basketball season over football season due to having the football boys to help cheer. Thomlinson shared, “My favorite part of Pep Club is getting excited and hyped up after a good play and being crazy loud.”

Pep Club also makes sure to try and participate in the specific themes for each game. Thomlinson continued, “The school store organizes all the themes. They just get ideas and toss them around until they like one.”

Savannah Ipock (10), is excited to be able to experience basketball season with the Pep Club, as she did not get to last year due to her prior commitment to the cheerleading team. Ipock stated, “I enjoy watching football and love getting excited when the boys make a good play or score.” she then added, “I feel like football will be hard to beat. But a lot of people say they enjoy basketball better, so I guess we’ll see.” 

Ipock’s favorite part of pep club is seeing all of the students come together to support Fair Grove’s athletes. She explained, “Being an athlete, I know how much work it is. Having a big pep club that is supportive can really encourage us to play even better than before.”

Mckenzie Chandler (12), has been cheering for the high school cheerleading team for four years. Chandler said, “With the crowd and the Pep Club, it all depends on who we are playing and how we are doing in the game. The two main cheers that get the most crowd involvement are ‘Stand up with the purple and white’ and ‘F-A-I-R G-R-O-V-E’ because they are easy to get involved in.”

Chandler mentioned, “The cheer that gets us most excited is, ‘I believe that we have won,’ the reason behind this is because when we do it at the end of the game it’s like a victory thing because we won. Everyone is very excited and the feeling in the gym is very positive.” 

Chandler also commented, “In basketball the crowd and Pep Club is more involved since we are all together and close. It’s also indoors and not cold like football season.” attaching to this thought, Chandler stated, “The cheerleaders and I love to join in on any cheer the Pep Club starts. We love to support our Pep Club, just like they support us.”

The Fair Grove High School Boys Basketball team kicks off their season on Tuesday, December 7th at Conway at 5:00 PM. The boys also play on Friday, December 10th at home vs. Marshfield at 5:00 PM. The girls have already started their season off with a jamboree at Marshfield on November 16th and are set to play at home on Monday, December 13th against Hartville.

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