The Benefits of Student-Curated Fundraisers

February 11, 2022

The Fair Grove High School Band at their concert on 5/5. (Photo taken by FGS News Staff.)

With Fair Grove being a small school, budget is always a concern, especially when it comes to extracurricular activities and fine arts programs. Luckily, some of these clubs and activities have found a new way to raise funds through fundraising.

The band program has been selling chocolates to raise money for over 8 years. “The money raised from selling chocolates serves a couple purposes. The older kids who will be traveling with the music program next summer can use this fundraiser to help pay those trip expenses off, and any younger students or non-traveling students can help to raise funds for the band program in general. I use these funds to help purchase new music for the entire 6-12 program, as well as helping stock up on small supplies that we go through like reeds and valve oil,” Natalie Palomo, the middle and high school band director explained.

Palomo continued, “Our profits vary, depending on the year, but we usually aim to make at least $1,800 overall. This is before accounting for some of those funds being diverted back to student trip accounts. That is also combined with choir profits (as both programs participate). The profit tends to fluctuate over the years.”

The band program isn’t the only extracurricular activity that is hosting fundraisers. The Kids Being Kind club sells butter braids and cookie dough in the fall, and just recently started a spring fundraiser selling laundry soap, dish soap, and trash bags.

According to Kristie Lepold, the organizer of the Kids Being Kind club, “The most we have ever made was this past fall when we made $2700.00 but it varies from time to time.” Proceeds from these fundraisers include teacher appreciation, pre-MAP event, holiday gifts for staff, donations to charities, and supplies for club events.

“I don’t personally mind them doing it, although in general I try to avoid “selling things” as fundraisers. This is one exception as it consistently does well for us over the years, and the kids seem to get pretty excited about selling them so all in all it’s fine with me,” Palomo stated.

Paloma also stated that she does not see this fundraiser going anywhere anytime soon, as it is something band members look forward to each year.

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