A Creative View from a Creative Teacher: Mrs. Feldman

March 24, 2022

Susanne Feldman teaching her students in her math class.

One of Fair Grove High School’s math teachers, Susanne Feldman, is an accomplished teacher and a successful business woman. She runs her own business of making accessories along with dress donations for school formals.

Feldman has been a pre-algebra, algebra one, applied geometry and calculus, teacher in the Fair Grove High School for the past three years. It shows and is apparent to her students including Arizona Carson (9) who described, “She is very helpful and patient. She is an amazing teacher and does not get frustrated when you don’t understand something.”

She has also been running her own business while being the mother of three children. 

Feldman credits part of her reason for starting her business to her youngest kid, her daughter. Feldman shared, “My days are so structured between school and children’s schedules, that I found myself craving a creative outlet.  Also, having a baby girl after two boys had me wanting ALL the pretty things….but I figured I could just make it myself,” She continued, “For the most part, I make bows, earrings, and accessories. I also offer other crafts and projects as I come up with additional ideas.”

“With being a small shop that relies on the community’s support, I love to give back when I’m able. I have been giving gift cards to various fundraisers and projects in the community since I started my business,” Feldman shared. She enjoys her small business and the ways she gets the word out there.

Feldman has recently got an idea to start a new dress donation for people to donate their old or used prom dresses for less fortunate people in our school to be able to have for school dances and other school events. “I have a friend at a different school who runs a very successful dress donation project. With her model and an extremely generous community, I was excited to try and offer something similar here at school.” 

Speaking about the dress donating, Feldman noted, “Coach Peck has also initiated a partnership with Shine which is based in Ash Grove. They have over 400 dresses and tuxedos available for students. We are excited that between what we are able to store at school and this partnership, all of our students will be able to feel beautiful at any formal dance. We have even had individuals/businesses offer to “sponsor” a girl and purchase a gift if an individual isn’t able to find a dress that works for them.”

Feldman works more than one job at a time and still continues to find ways to help the students she teaches and the school itself.” 

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