Students Share Opinions on Virtual Learning Days
February 18, 2022
One piece of art AMI work for a student over a preferred art piece of choice. Photo provided by Emma Schlak.
Fair Grove has been using Alternative Methods of Instruction, or AMI days, when students are unable to come to school due to weather. Some students prefer it; however, some do not.
AMI days came about after the various methods of virtual learning were realized. During an AMI day, teachers post their assignments on Google Classroom, where students can then work on and complete their school work for the day. Students are required to complete the work to be counted in attendance for the day. The district gets five AMI days total; any days not spent at school will be considered a snow day after those five days are out.
As with almost anything, there are diverse opinions on AMI; some are more for AMI days and some are against them, and then there are those who are neutral.
“I personally think that AMI days are great, and it’s nice to have that extra cushion of not having to make up school days,” shared Caitlyn Conrad (12). “On AMI days, I always make sure to get all of my assignments done because most of the time they are easy and they really don’t take that long to do. I don’t like having school work let alone anything held over my head, so I always just get it all done and over with so I don’t stress.”
Chloe Reynaud (12) stated, “They are okay, they aren’t my favorite but I understand why we need them.” Continuing to say, “I work okay. I don’t super enjoy them and it’s hard for me to stay motivated. But with the whole day off, I never have an issue finishing my work.”
“I think the AMI days were fine, but I would rather have a snow day,” said Luke Engel (9). “I work fine, but it is hard to get motivated to do the work.”
When it comes to learning, many students must find a way to make things work, but with this particular way, some are having a harder time completing their assignments.
“I think AMI days are great for me! I personally like doing my work online and being able to get work done on my own time and alone,” Conrad went on to say. “I think that AMI days would work really well for the student body if students had more motivation to actually do their work.”
For Reynaud, it is the opposite of Conrad, “I don’t think they work very well for me personally. I enjoy being at school in person. I work better and feel more motivated.”
On the topic of motivation for work, Reynaud stated, “I don’t think AMI days work well for the student body. I think we can obviously see this with the issues we had with it in early January. But, they do work for some kids. I think the unmotivated kids wouldn’t get their work turned in on time or at all, if they are here at school or if they are working from home.”
Engel shared that he likes that he can do the work in his own time and from the comfort of his bed, but was opposed to the fact that if you left your Chromebook or charger at school, or if you don’t have internet at home, you end up falling very behind.
“I like that I have all day to get my work done,” stated Reynaud. “I enjoy having a mental health day to work on myself, to have alone time, and to finish work at my own pace.” However, Reynaud followed with, “I dislike that it’s a hassle for teachers. I think they have to nag on students to turn in their work.”
With likes and dislikes, usually, there are some changes that students come up with.
Conrad voiced that her main problem with AMI days is the collective punishment given after the matter if some students did not do their work. “I would change that the students that do their work not get punished by having to go to different 8th-hour teachers,” Caitlyn informed, “and the students that don’t get their work done should HAVE to go to those teachers or somewhere else to get their work done.”
Engel, on the other hand, shared, “I wouldn’t change anything, all the teachers are understanding and mostly don’t post much work.”
Even if not all students are appreciative of the AMI days, there are a lot of parents who are.
Conrad shared, “My mom likes the AMI days because we don’t have to make up those days, and my brother and I are both capable of getting our work done on time by ourselves.”
Reynaud also shared, “My mom loves them. My mom feels like it helps us get our hours in and we can still enjoy all of Christmas break and Spring break. She is all for them.”