PTO’s Pumpkin Party
November 2, 2022
Painted pumpkins decorated to look like the Despicable Me characters. (Photo provided by Catrina Gore)
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) had a fundraiser where each teacher was given the option to decorate a pumpkin for their classroom.
The pumpkin carving and /or decorating contest is a fun, friendly competition between the classrooms and teachers to see who’s decorated and/or carved pumpkin(s) is most liked by the Fair Grove Community.
The students get to participate with the teacher in all the decorating fun with the pumpkin(s). The teachers then set their pumpkin(s) out by the morning of Oct 25th, and pictures are taken of all of them and loaded onto the Fair Grove PTO Facebook page.
You can vote which teacher/classroom is your favorite by paying one dollar per vote via PayPal (Fair Grove PTO), or by sending in money to the school. There is no voting limit as to how many times or teachers you can vote for.
The voting goes from October 25th-28th, and there are fun incentives for the teachers and students to want to win. “The winning teacher from each building will receive a $30 Amazon gift card, and the classroom students will receive a donut party,” said Ashley Lederich, the PTO vice president. This fundraiser is a fun competition between the teachers and students, also a great way to raise money.
“All of us at the PTO think that this Pumpkin Decorating Contest will be awesome! It’s so much fun to see all the pumpkins at the end, and the whole community can participate too with the voting,” said Lederich. The PTO Pumpkin Carving is fun for everyone; it’s a way to get the whole community involved if they want to participate. They participate by voting which pumpkin they think is best or vote for their favorite teacher.
“This isn’t an event that anyone has to “show up” for. You post photos online and they send money in as a vote,” explained Catrina Gore, a teacher at Fair Grove. The event is a fundraiser the kids and teachers do at the school. In the high school the students and teachers in their 8th hour pick out what they want to do for their pumpkin and decorate. Not every class has to decorate a pumpkin and participate in the fundraiser.
“It has been a very fun and successful fundraiser in the past. It’s a fun tradition that I feel like the students look forward to,” said Susanne Feldman, a teacher at Fair Grove High School. The fundraiser is a fun way to do something for Halloween and to get the kids somewhat involved in the fundraising.
The PTO does lots of fundraisers throughout the year to raise money. “Several, Write A Check, Apparel, Carnival, Holiday Shop, Hygiene Drive and more,” said Feldman. Their next fundraiser is the Hygiene Drive on 11/3 and 11/4.