A+ Students Helping A+ Kiddos
November 16, 2022
The A+ Program at Fair Grove is available for seniors to earn scholarship funds for use at local colleges through time spent helping elementary students and teachers throughout the year.
For students to qualify for the A+ scholarships, there are requirements other than helping out in the elementary classrooms. A few of the requirements for the students include attending an A+ high school for three consecutive years, having a 2.5 GPA or higher, having no major discipline incidents, and others. The complete list of requirements can be found on the Fair Grove District website.
There are different options available for students earning these hours required to receive the scholarship funds. One option is for students to help out during summer school with elementary students, and come in during the summer for June, July, or both months. The other option is to help out during the school year, and help in a classroom for one semester, although many students choose to participate both semesters.
One student, Isabella Hammonds (12), chose to participate in the summer program between her Sophomore and Junior year. Hammonds was placed in Mrs. Crandall’s first grade classroom. She mentioned that her favorite part of the day with the kids was right after recess when it was lunch time, because of how much energy they had. Hammonds believes that she has made a positive impact on her students by always being attentive towards them, and showing them that she cared for them. “As a first grader you just want someone to see you and care about you. I was that person for my A+ kids,” stated Hammonds.

Another Fair Grove High School student, Haydn Hall (12), is actively participating in the A+ program during his senior year. Hall helps out in Mrs. Hollingsworth’s fourth grade classroom. He mentioned that he really enjoys the class and interacting with the kids every day. Hall added, “I really enjoy meeting and hanging out with these kids and being able to help them with something I struggled with when I was that age.” While in the fourth grade classroom, Hall helps the kids out with many things, including reading. He has even helped a few of the fourth graders move up reading levels while he was helping out.
Makenzie Clark, a first grade teacher at Fair Grove Elementary School, has been participating in the A+ Program for five years. Her A+ Helper is Carissa Thompson (12), who chose to participate in the A+ Program during the 2022-2023 school year. Clark states that, “ I definitely think the A+ program has a huge impact on the children. My kiddos look forward to our A+ helper coming to our class every day. I think it is a great way for our high schoolers to get involved in the kids’ lives. Carissa shows up every single day, has not missed a day of school or has shown up late. I think this is so important for my class to see. She has been such a great example for my students.”
Once the seniors have completed their tutoring hours required for the A+ Program, as well as the other requirements, they will be granted a two year free ride to Ozark Technical Community College, where they may continue their path of helping others in education.