Pizza and Planning for 2022
December 19, 2022
Alyssa Snitker and Olivia Brumfield working with Mrs. Kisling during Pizza and Planning 12/14. (Photo taken by Ivy Wehmeyer)
Fair Grove hosted its annual study night called “Pizza and Planning” on December 14th from 4:00-7:00 pm to help kids prepare for upcoming finals and catch up on work.
For several years now Fair Grove has had Pizza and Planning about a week or two before finals week which helps the kids talk to teachers that choose to stay after in a planned event. It is called Pizza and Planning because the kids that sign up to go get free pizza thanks to Dr. Overstreet and it’s no cost to attend.
Michael Van Cleave, a Fair Grove math teacher, tells more about the functions and goals of Pizza and Planning. “Pizza and planning is an evening before finals during which teachers volunteer their time to tutor students. The main focus is to prepare for final exams, but students can also use it as time to catch up on missing assignments or anything else that could raise their grade. All Fair Grove staff are not involved; it is strictly voluntary for teachers to participate.”
Pizza and Planning is a seemingly very effective way to get a big portion of the school to improve their grades and lower tension in such a stressful time. Olivia Brumfield (12) explains how this helps her. “It’s helpful because I’m able to stay after and get extra help from not only one teacher, but from multiple. My favorite part is that I’m able to do it with lots of friends! It makes it much more enjoyable. I stayed for a few hours last year and it was super helpful for the final review.” This school function is very beneficial to kids who are struggling with the same things and experiencing the same problems they need to face and overcome. It is not just a time for full studies but also a time to prepare and relax from a stressful environment to come together with friends and work with positive influences.
More students also use this time not only for finals but for separate learning or tutoring time after the last school bell has rang. Hadie Wingo (11) said, “I think that pizza and planning is very helpful, it gives us a chance to talk to teachers outside of just classroom time about the subject and ask more questions. I have attended the past couple years and have enjoyed it. It’s very much appreciated.” Pizza and planning is very important to the students of Fair Grove because it allows students to have a set time to stay after and feel comfortable to be struggling and get help with their peers.
Pizza and Planning is a very educational centered night with lots of resources to help with students’ grades, but is also a fun and great time to hang out with friends and enjoy pizza. Multiple students mention the entertainment and gratitude for the pizza, Kaden Baker (10) says, “Pizza and planning is very effective for me because it gives me the opportunity to get ready for finals and ask my teacher all the questions while also having fun with teachers and my friends and of course eating pizza.” Not only did Kaden have something to say but Hadie also had a similar opinion saying, “I like the time set out from the classroom and the pizza.” Pizza and Planning is overall an academic tool for the students of Fair Grove which allows studying, peer involvement, and a full stomach.