Save Three Lives!

December 19, 2022

Member of the Community giving blood at the Blood Drive. (photo taken by Brooklyn Williams )

Fair Grove High Schools National Honors Society (NHS) hosted a winter blood drive for the high school and the Fair Grove community to come and donate blood to help save lives. 

“The blood drive gives students, staff, and community members the opportunity to create a real difference in Fair Grove. Giving blood in the Ozarks benefits over 40 local hospitals and their patients. So, when we donate, it literally helps the people around us,” explained Copper Zumwalt (12) member of NHS. Donating blood is something the Fair Grove community and students of Fair Grove High School had the opportunity to do. One person donating blood saves three different lives, so the blood drive benefits / helps so many people at the hospitals. 

“We primarily get people to sign up by setting up a table at lunch and asking for volunteers. However, we have also found it helpful to go class by class and directly ask people to donate,” Stated Zumwalt. Students are allowed to sign up at their lunches or some teachers have sign up sheets in their classroom. Amy Johnson, teacher at Fair Grover High School added, “Students 16 and older can participate (16 must have a parent consent form).” 

“Workers from the Ozark Blood Drive do the important things. While NHS students sat with our donors to keep their mind off the needle going in their arm,” said Isabella Hammonds (12). Members of the NHS sat with all the donors while they gave blood and kept them company until they finished donating blood. After they are done donating the blood drive worker provides food and drinks to prevent people from feeling uneasy after giving. 

“We like to spread the word about our blood drive primarily by word of mouth. However, in the future we plan to put it on social media a bit more, and put more posters up around the community,” Zumwalt explained. NHS posting on social media and setting up posters is a way to inform the Fair Grove community about the blood drive and the details of it. 

“The blood drive was a huge success and the NHS would like to thank our donors and volunteers for it wouldn’t be possible without them,” expressed Hammons. The next blood drive will be 26/4/23 hosted by Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).

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