5th Grade Sings Their Heart Out
April 25, 2023
Mrs. Harmon’s 5th grade class performing on March 3rd, 2023. All of the students in the photo. (Photo taken by RayAnn Hupman) Back row of risers – Reuben Garcia, Carter Goforth Front row of risers – Regan Hallam, Ila Mackinney, Savannah Sharp, Alyssia Miller, Kassidie Eagleburger, Tristin Coble, Silas Bowman, Ty Morgan Middle of floor – William Wilson Chairs of Boys Back – Blake Stanley, Chance Chapman Chaire of Boys Front – David Arnold, Colton Jones Girl in Pink – Mia Thomason
The 5th grade choir put on a concert in the upper elementary gym on March 3rd, 2023 to show off their work during the 4th hour choir with Ms. Harmon.
In order to put on any kind of show you have to know what you’re going to perform. In this case Harmon has a strict rotation of what shows are done. Harmon changes the shows every year, she explains, “I have a rotation of musicals that I use for my 5th grade class. The last time that I used this musical would have been when the current sophomores were 5th grade students.”
Due to the rotation Harmon informed that, “The play we performed for the 3rd quarter was called Compose Yourself. The songs that were included were re-arrangements of classical works by famous composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, and Handel.”
Most people might think that music would be purely a matter of taste. Everyone can differ significantly as to what they consider good music, based on their familiarity with different musical styles, but there are standards when it comes to effective theater music. Great theater composers use music to make us feel empathy for a character, to give us a sense of what kind of show we’re about to see, and even to give us hints about what will happen in the story.
In this musical there were three solos that were given out in order to achieve a solo the students had to audition by singing parts of the solo in class. The students who were awarded the solos were: Alyssa Miller, Ila Mackinny and William Wilson.
The amount of work that has to be put into putting on a show like this is more than most students or teachers are willing to put forth, “We started practicing at the beginning of 3rd quarter, so roughly 10 weeks,” added Harmon. Finding people to go into different parts of the show can be hard, along with the struggle of attendance to practice, low numbers of students, and the students always having a good attitude.
If members of the community would like to hear some of Harmon’s students there will be a Fair Grove Music Festival on April 15th, 2022 or there will be another 5th Grade Music Performance in the Fair Grove Elementary upper elementary gym conducted by Mrs. Harmon.