Leading the Way Into 2023-2024 Clubs

May 25, 2023

Clubs at Fair Grove High School are preparing for next year, accepting new members, and finding new club leaders.

There are many major clubs that the high schoolers can participate in at Fair Grove. These include: (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and StuCo (Student Council),  NHS (National Honor Society), ITS (International Thespians Society), NSDA (National Speech and Debate Association), Proud, Speech, Theatre, Color Guard, and Band.

SADD sponsor and High School Science Teacher Lindsay Dunning explained the process of becoming a leader in SADD. Dunning said, “For SADD, there is an application process. I narrowed down those applications based on a rubric.” 

She went on to say that the applicants who move on to the second round undergo an interview process. The interview committee was made up of Dunning and two other teachers. Dunning said, “This process helps us select our Executive Cabinet for SADD.”

Similarly to SADD, StuCo has applications for being a StuCo member as well as a cabinet member. When it is time to make the new StuCo team, teachers Michael Van Cleave and Susanne Feldman send out Google Forms to incoming freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

The application form has questions about why they would be a good fit for Student Council, and how they can make the club better. After all the forms are submitted by students, they must get twenty signatures from peers to be able to put their name on the ballot. Lastly, names are put on Google Forms for each grade and sent out to the student body to vote. Once all votes are in, the list of students in the new StuCo is announced to all the students. 

Some students have already had leadership positions in the past, and are running again. Stephanie Dunham (11) for example, said, “I have had several leadership positions in the past my freshman year. I believe I was secretary of Speech and Debate, and Freshman class president. My sophomore year I was Vice President of Theatre, on Student Leadership at my church, along with StuCo secretary.” This year Dunham served as Color Guard Captain, StuCo Secretary, and Theatre Publicity.

No matter how long the students have been in higher up positions, they all seem to care very much about the roles they take on. Addison Zittle (11), Student Council member, expressed, “I care so much for the activities I’m involved in and I want to see them do well. I feel that by being a leader and having a say and getting to put another perspective in the mix is usually a good thing.”

Along with Zittle, Niko Jenkins (11) said, “I enjoy being heavily involved in the extracurricular I find enjoyable. I have found that I am dedicated and willing to put in the work required of a leader, so I take on as many opportunities as I can.”

Students at Fair Grove High School want to make change in their school and with leadership roles, they have an opportunity to do so.

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