Giving Teachers the Appreciation They Deserve

May 25, 2023

Some of Fair Grove’s teachers on spirit day. Left to right: Mrs. Sarah Englis, Mrs. Tina Cantwell, Officer Bond, Mrs. Natalie Palomo, Mrs. Amy Johnson. (Photo taken by Mr. Voorhis)

Teacher Appreciation Week about making sure every teacher in our school system knows how appreciated they are and how much of a difference they make in the community. 

For Teacher Appreciation Week, Fair Grove’s FTA (Future Teachers of America) provides special lunches throughout the week and hand out snacks and drinks to all the teachers as a way to say thank you for all that they do. 

On occasion, students will also do something for their teachers. “Normally my students do not do anything in preparation for teacher appreciation week, however, this year I had all of my classes make cards for the high school teachers. They made two each so we had quite a few cards to give out. They wrote a thoughtful message along with some artwork,” stated Mrs. Brown, the high school art teacher. She added that they started making the cards about a week and a half before teacher appreciation week.

These cards that the art students can really mean a lot to the teachers. “This year I have really enjoyed the cards that Mrs. Brown’s Art classes made for each of the teachers,” stated Mrs. Johnson, high school social studies teacher.

Every teacher has a favorite part of Teacher Appreciation Week. “My favorite part about this week is having students randomly give me food, candy, a drawing, whatever and telling me that they appreciate me. I also really enjoy the free lunches we get this week,” said Mrs. Brown.

Not only does this make the teachers feel appreciated, but for some, it reminds them that they choose the right profession. For others, it’s a way of recognizing that students are excited about the topics they are teaching.

“Any time a student gets excited about the topics I teach, that is the best way I can be recognized. I also love when I see past students after they have graduated and they talk about how prepared they were for classes or how they really appreciate all that we do,” commented Mrs. Johnson.

Mrs. Brown stated, “I have received some really thoughtful notes throughout the years that made me stop and think, ‘Yeah I’m in the right profession.’ A few tear jerkers.”

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