As snow falls and schools close, students are now faced with a familiar debate: Should schoolwork be assigned on snow days? Some argue that it’s essential to stay on top of coursework, others believe that snow days should be time for relaxation.
Snow days are an opportunity for Fair Grove students to relax, recharge, and enjoy some well-deserved downtime. Assigning AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction) work takes away from this much needed break.
Taylor Waltz (9) stated, “I feel that AMI days are good when teachers give students enough work to remember what they are learning but not too much so they can still be a kid out in the snow.”
She continued, “We are still kids and snow days are an essential part of childhood and we should still get to be kids the little bit we have left.”
Makenzie Steineke (8) states, “Because AMI days start right away, students don’t have the chance to enjoy the days off in the snow.”
Assigning AMI school work on snow days helps students stay on top of their course work and avoid falling behind on their attendance. Carlen Lepold (11) explains, “I think that AMI days balance both well. They allow students to get a snow day and have a few assignments to do for attendance.”
Lepold also stated pros concerning AMI days which include, “Not making up snow days, easy assignments and increasing attendance.”
While there are valid arguments on both sides, it’s essential to strike a balance between academic responsibility and personal well-being. Considering both sides, students were asked if Fair Grove School should consider alternative solutions.
Steineke commented, “I think the schools should give at least 2 days of actual snow days before starting AMI days. That way students can still enjoy a couple days off before AMI days begin.”
She also stated, “I would not want to add days on to the school year. Making up lost days on Mondays would be a better idea if needed.”
Lepold added, “I love AMI days for the fact that I don’t have to make up for the days I miss. By the time the second semester rolls around everyone is already over school anyway. Why make them stay longer?”