The City of Fair Grove offers six sports year round via the Fair Grove Park Board. All park sports are run by Park Board Sport Director, Brittany Counterman, and Assistant Director, Keeley McCorkendale.
The park board currently offers fall soccer from August through October, flag football October through November, basketball January through February, and then cheer during the basketball and flag football seasons. Spring soccer happens from February through March and then the spring flag football occurs March through May. Lastly, baseball and softball start at the beginning of May through June.
All sports are open to kids once they turn three years old, and then the sports can last up to their sixth grade year. ¨We would love to offer programs for 7th-12th grade, and also some adult programs if there was enough interest in the future,¨ claimed Counterman.
Aurora Bradley, Fair Grove Kindergartener, plays basketball and softball with the park board. She said, “My favorite part is hitting.”
According to Counterman, participants vary, but they currently have 300+ participants. She added that baseball and basketball are their most popular sports; with 250+ kids participating each season. Soccer and flag football come in second and usually have 150+ participants, and cheer has around 30-50 kids who participate each season.
¨Our coaches are almost always parents who volunteer to coach their kids. We hire high school students to ref/umpire our programs as well as work in our concession stand,¨ explained Counterman. To be able to coach, ref, or umpire for the park sports, people need to go to Sport Director, Brittany Counternman.
Counterman also shared how they are always trying to encourage local businesses and organizations to involve themselves with the park board. This includes volunteering opportunities, sponsorship, and participants for the events.
¨FG Park sports are open to all kids in Fair Grove and the surrounding area. You don’t have to be a resident of FG or a student at FG to participate,¨ explained Counterman.
For those who are interested in signing their kids up with the park board registration and information can be found on the Fair Grove Park Sports Facebook page.