NHS Members Volunteer to Serve the Community

Claire Foster

NHS Members help hold the ribbon while a participant cuts the ribbon for the start of the walk.

Claire Foster, Page Editor: Feature

One of the main purposes of the National Honor Society’s is service, according to their mission statement. NHS members have already volunteered to work football and volleyball concessions, the Monster Dash 5k run, and the Cystic Fibrosis walk. Although members are required to have 15 service hours by the end of the year, Ashlea Burks (12), Fair Grove’s NHS president, claims that the club volunteers because of a passion to help people.

The passion for helping people is reflected in the wise quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Fair Grove NHS officers have chosen this quote as their statement for the year. Amy Johnson, the sponsor for NHS, elaborates, “People understand what it is to be in need when they help the people in need, I think they become more compassionate.” Johnson explains that service is a priority for Fair Grove and later adds, “People at this age need to understand what it is to struggle and that there is help out there.”

NHS plans to volunteer at Meals a Million, the Ronald McDonald house homes tours, Salvation Army bell ringing, and more as the year progresses. On top of these opportunities, some members volunteer outside of the club. Evan Barry (12) helps with church camps and Crosslines, a church organization that provides food and more for those in need. Parker Borchers (11) commonly volunteers at the Convoy of Hope. Borchers claims, “[Volunteering is] a social responsibility, if you have the opportunity to help people you should.”

Angelina Vasquez (11) explains that volunteering is important because it is a way to give back to the community. Burks continues on the subject, “…We really make a difference and sometimes if we don’t do it, no one else will.”

The difference NHS makes is not only in the community. Burks explains how personally rewarding it feels to volunteer, “The individuals we help are always so appreciative because we are making a difference in their life in a way no one else can, whether it is community wide or worldwide.”

New members are joining the ranks of NHS, so that they may serve the community as well. Vazquez and Borchers are among the 34 new members of NHS that have joined to serve the community. The Induction ceremony will be held on Thursday November 6th at 6 p.m.

The following students are this year’s new members of NHS, juniors: Lucas Alsup, Coburn Appleton, Dylan Appleton, Kennedy Argenta, Emilie Armstrong, Kaily Beckner, Bryce Bettis, Parker Borchers, Kayla Bruemmer, Kirsten Carver, Joe Caudle, Emily Derrick, Alyssa Everett, Tristan Foster, Emily Hopkins, Skylar Kensinger, Britney Lawless, Ty Lumley, Chauncey Miller, Steffany Murray, Allyson Murrill, Kelli Oplotnik, Chandler Park, Skylar Powers, Gabrielle Roberts, Jorden Stacey, Haley Stallings, Julian Tatum, Angelina Vasquez, Shea Wallace, Bailey Weaver, Ashley Williams. Sierra Skaggs is the new senior inductee.