Elementary Carnival A Big Hit
The Elementary Carnival was a big hit as 300-400 people showed up for the event.
April 3, 2015
Children and their parents lined the hallways of Fair Grove Elementary school in excitement on Friday, March 20th. The school’s annual carnival was the reason for celebration. Students from both the High school and Middle school joined the Elementary in participating during the carnival.
The Fair Grove PTO was in charge of putting the event together for the kids and parents of the Fair Grove community. Jennifer Harp, the head of PTO, talks a little bit about the carnival, “We just wanted to offer the community a fun night to spend together.” Their hard work payed off, as close to 300-400 people showed up on Friday, according to Harp.
Numerous games, such as ring toss, a cake walk, a snack walk, and many others were reason for hours of entertainment. Peace Chapel Church, as well as the Fair Grove Public Library also had booths at the carnival. Most games cost one ticket, except for the bounce houses and the cake walk, which were two. Tickets were 50¢ apiece, and for ten, $5.00. For unlimited bounce house use, you could pay ten dollars, or 2 tickets for each time you used it. The upper gym housed the bounce house, as well as an inflatable slide and obstacle course.
“I liked the ring toss because I got free soda,” stated Lauren Kennard, a sixth grader who visited the carnival. “I won a grape soda from it.”
In addition to the games, PTO but together gift baskets for auctioning. Parents could bid on a basket full of movies, hair supplies, and a number of other things. Foodwise, the Fair Grove Fire Department served chili and hot dogs, or a combination of both for the families during the hours of the carnival.
Dory Baker (6), attended the carnival on her 12th birthday, “I came because I wanted to hang out with my friends. I ended up winning two Dr. Peppers, and a piece of chocolate for knocking down some cans.”
The night lasted from 5:30 to 8:30, and provided fun and entertainment for the community. Proceeds from the tickets and auctioning are going towards the Fair Grove PTO, as well as the school for new computers and playground equipment.