Middle School Character Council Helping the Community
Fair Grove Middle School Character Council
February 4, 2016
The Fair Grove middle school’s Character Council Team is out to help the community. Character Council is very similar to Student Council, they are students who are out to set good examples and portray positive attitude in everything they do. They hope that they can pass their positive attitudes off to their other peers. The Character Council meets every weekday in their advisory and also after school if needed. “During the meetings we brain storm new ideas to help the Fair Grove schools and communities. After we brainstorm we plan out our ideas and put them into action,” commented Mrs. Minor.
This year’s Character Council leaders are Leah Weaver (President), Gaven Peterie (vice president), David Oplotnik (Recorder), and Jack Mcatee (Treasurer). They are aided by Mrs. Minor who is the head advisor in Character Council. This year’s goals for the leaders are to have a student voice, create and promote leadership, Plan student activities, promote positive character traits, and to connect with the community. Mrs. Minor stated, “We plan to achieve all of our goals by reaching out to the students and our community.”
Character Council have already completed many projects which include the Haunted Harvest, Registration Assembly, Main Street Cafe, and the Christmas baskets for families in need. During the Haunted Harvest they raised 1,200 dollars to put together baskets. Following that they helped 26 families and 172 Fair Grove students by providing Christmas baskets to them. They then planned and held a recognition assembly to recognize all the hard working students in the Fair Grove Middle School. They finished up with the Main Street Cafe where they sold hot drinks to the students and used their profits to replenish their activities funds so they could continue to help the community.
One upcoming event is the Pennies for Patients. This is where they will collect cash donations for kids with LLS (a type of cancer). All the profits they raise will go directly to the kids with LLS. They will get the elementary and middle school involved in this. The class who brings in the most donations will win. The other upcoming event is the spring dance. The Character Council will plan, provide, and set up this dance. The dance will be held for the middle school students.