Chess Club Members Off To Tournaments
MS team takes place iin turnamnets. Dane Psyhos placed 1st, Ben Hamilton 2nd, Georgia Phillips 4th and Alex Bates placed 9th.
April 4, 2016
Every Tuesday Fair Grove’s chess club team meets after school to challenge each other further in their chess knowledge. Donna Wilson, an eighth grade english teacher, has been the chess club leader for the past four years. Students from fifth to twelfth grade are welcome to come practice and attend chess tournaments. Students who are involved within the school’s extracurricular activities have a better social skills, and overall have a greater knowledge in other academic areas says Mrs. Wilson.
Bailey Steele (9) has been in the chess team for four years now, and ranks first place within the school’s chess team. Bailey says “Overall I really just like the challenge chess club brings. It makes me think outside of what I normally would. I also enjoy tournaments.They can be scary going up against someone you’ve never met, but of course I love knowing I did my best!” Bailey goes onto say that two years ago she received a placing metal at a tournament she was in her seventh grade year. “. . .I love placing, but without people helping you learn like Mrs. Wilson it would be hard to get better.” Bailey says she is thankful Mrs. Wilson has been so encouraging and has helped all of the chess club students get better.
Brian Bettencourt (7) has been a chess club member for three years . Brian says he loves going to tournaments and facing off with rival schools like Strafford and Marionville. “We have a lot of schools we go up against, but those are our main two overall. Overall it is just a ton of fun meeting new people we get to play against.” Bettencourt goes on to say that his love for chess comes from when he was younger. “ We used to play checkers all the time when I was a little kid. I guess once I found out about chess it was kind of the same idea. Get as many pieces as you can from the other player!” Brian says he can’t wait for the next coming tournament that will take place at the end of March at Strafford.