Fair Grove Students Join In For Extracurricular Fishing
Fishing team member, Patrick Potter, holds up his double catch of the night at Lake of the Ozarks.
April 4, 2016
Fair Grove High School introduces a new fishing team as an extracurricular activity for students within the community to join in. The team meets every Thursday night after school at Hilltop Pizza and and again at various fishing sites when dates are agreed on. The team had their first tournament at Table Rock Lake on March first and an upcoming tournament at Lake of the Ozarks on April 20th. While no members placed in the first tournament the team hopes to get better as the year progresses.
Cody Sisco (11) says his goal for this year is to win the angler of the year award. Cody talks about his other fishing accomplishments saying. “While I was in California I caught the top fourteen biggest fish of the week! While I was super happy with my catch I would have to say my favorite type of fish would be a small mouth bass, but really any kind of fish is good in a fish fry!” Sisco mentions that while fishing alone is a ton of fun there are also opportunities for
Patrick Potter (12) also a member of the fishing team says “I have always loved fishing. I remember going when I was really young, and I guess that has just always been something I have done. I am glad we now have the fishing team, even though I have other sports I play in and enjoy fishing is a passion of mine as well.For people who want to join us they just need to make decent grades, stay out of trouble, and of course have a fishing license!” Patrick says anyone who wishes to join the group is welcome to come!