PTO “Wraps Up” Holiday Shop
February 9, 2017
December 6th through December 9th, PTO hosted their annual holiday shop in the Fair Grove Elementary. The holiday shop consisted of parents sending their children money to school to buy presents for relatives or friends. The gifts are wrapped by volunteers at the PTO event. “The Shop is run by a committee of PTO members, who purchase items and organize the shop over the course of the whole year and the volunteers who donated their time over the course of the four day event,” stated Jennifer Harp, Co-Chair of the holiday shop.
“The items in the shop range from fifty cents to five dollars to make them affordable so the children can also take part in the joy of gift giving. The gifts that were purchased were wrapped by the Middle School Character Council which was a tremendous help,” added Staci Nunley, President of PTO. The money from the holiday shop funds other events that PTO puts on, the rest of the money goes towards gifts to the school such as books for the elementary and middle school libraries as well as technology and educational subscriptions for the classroom.
The volunteers helped wrap the presents after the students purchased them and helped set up and take down the shop. “Anyone interested in volunteering for this or any other PTO event can sign up for informational emails or come up to our meetings the second Tuesday of every month,” informed Jennifer Harp Co-Chair of the Holiday Shop, for more information about volunteering go to The other events that the PTO sponsors yearly are the Back to School Bash, Parents Night Out, the Father Daughter Dance, and the annual Carnival.