Fair Grove Middle School Haunted Harvest
Middle School students participate in the Haunted Harvest.
October 31, 2017
Fair Grove hosted their annual Haunted Harvest October 24. There were carnival games, prizes, and food. Grades 5-8 were welcome to join in on the fun after school from 3:30-5:30. NHS works the carnival games for the kids to play. They had a ring toss, a cake walk, and even a haunted hallway. Middle School students gathered to win goldfish, soda, and lots of candy.
Hannah Maxwell (6), stated, “My favorite part was the haunted hallway, because I love being scared.” Mrs. Holland and her students decorated the hallway with scary props, and the actors in the hallway were current Fair Grove teachers.
In the lunchroom, pizza, and caramel apples were passed out to whoever wanted good food. The prizes that were offered for playing the games depended on the difficulty of the game. Most of the kids who played games went home that night with a two liter of soda.
Shyann McBroom (11) worked the carnival for NHS. She even decided to play some of the games, and then won a goldfish. Shyann said, ¨I wasn’t expecting the carnival to be as much fun as it was, it was actually a huge turn out.”
Hannah Maxwell enjoyed the food, and games. She also enjoyed hanging out after school with all of her friends. Hannah won lots of soda, and lots of candy. Her favorite game was the ring toss because it was always a guaranteed win. “I tried really hard to win a goldfish, all of my friends won one,” Hannah stated.
The Middle School haunted harvest occurs once a year, every year to celebrate the fall season. 5-8 graders gather in the commons for a fun time at this carnival. Teachers and students put a lot of effort into this event and always hope for a big turn out.