Summer Sun Without the Fun

Nicolas Hamp

Summers, for most high school students, includes pool parties, bon fires, and an abundance of memory making moments. Or simply sleeping in as long as possible to catch up on the sleep missed during the school year. Over those 3 months, I did many simple chores around the house and the occasional yard work to grab some extra cash, as well as sleeping in until 12 a.m. Colton Louthan, a sophomore at Fair Grove High School, distributed many of his precious summer hours into various jobs around Fair Grove. “[I] Mowed with Mike Counterman, working at Huffman’s body shop, and did a few odd jobs for random people,” said Louthan.

A summer job is used to gain a few extra dollars before the school year starts. For Louthan, he does the jobs not only for the money, but also for the accomplishment. “I like to see how bad it started, and how good it ended,” Louthan stated. He also added that he likes the hard work on top of the money. 

When the year started my chores at home settled down due to homework and limited time. Colton began his job with Mike Counterman in April, and is continuing still. For anyone wondering if they want a summer or school year job, apply and see how you like it.