A Week of Appreciation and Safety

Photo by Nicolas Hamp

Students walking to the bus after school ready to thank their bus drivers

Nicolas Hamp

Bus Appreciation and safety week, spanning from October 21 to 25, is a week at Fair Grove that brings notice to the well needed bus drivers of the school. All of which seem to do their best to make an impact on the lives of those around them. Yet, a kind smile and wave of appreciation will satisfy our hero’s of transportation. “I think just a good wave as you go by is enough,” said Mike Counterman, who’s recently started driving this April.

Another trend between drivers is their love of the children they interact with every day. “ [I always] make sure I say good morning with a smile, and always tell them goodbye or have a nice weekend,” explained Bobbi Walker, who has been a bus driver for fair grove for 26 years.

While bus drivers are sharing their kindness students like Easton Beltz, a sophomore at Fair Grove, show their appreciation with a simple thank you. “I try to show my appreciation every day by saying thank you when I get on and off the bus,” Beltz elaborated. When it comes to getting close to the kids the bus drivers have their own methods. “Me and the little kids sing together a lot,” said Counterman. Walker strikes conversations with her kids when she can, “I visit with them while loading until time to leave.”

When it comes to safety both Walker and Counterman believe that safety is going well for both bus drivers and their passengers. “All our drivers and staff work daily on keeping the safety of our students,” Walker said. Counterman appreciates the Thumbs Up rule that allows for bus drivers to make sure the road is safe for the kids to cross. He also likes that the community is keen on stopping for a bus when it’s unloading passengers. Our bus drivers at Fair Grove are very important, and love when others show their appreciation for their work