Fair Grove’s Annual Kindergarten Thanksgiving Program
The kindergarten students performing their annual Thanksgiving program for their friends and families
December 3, 2019
On November 21st Fair Grove Elementary held their annual kindergarten thanksgiving program in the upper elementary gym. The kids performed songs for their parents, grandparents and the community.
“The kids are performing songs about turkeys, Pilgrims, Indians, Fall, and being thankful. The music was chosen to fit the theme of Thanksgiving,” explained, Heather Lumely, the elementary music teacher. Fair Groves kindergarten has been performing these songs for the last few decades and it has become a tradition.
Once a week, since Septembe,r each kindergarten class would go to Mrs. Lumley’s class to practice and learn all the songs and the motions that they would perform later in November. The week leading up to the program all 100 kindergarteners got together on the risers to practice. “This is when things get challenging. Teaching 100 kids to watch, listen, sing, and follow directions can be quite a task,” said Lumley.
The program is a huge deal to the kindergarteners, “It is important for the kids to know they are important in the lives or their family and for all of us to know how blessed we are to have these kids in our lives,” commented, Tammy Lucas, one of Fair Grove’s kindergarten teachers.
At the end of the program there was a special turkey from our Fair Grove High School that came out to dance with the kids. High school cheerleader, Brecken Lair (11), came out on the final song and danced as they sang even doing a few stunts. “I remember doing programs like this and watching the turkey when I was young, I wanted to bring that joy to these kids,” said Lair.
The program went well, “It is so exciting to see the kids ready to show off what they know to their parents,” Lumley added, “I thought the children did a wonderful job and I had lots of positive feedback from parents and grandparents.”