Fair Grove Middle School Indoor Soccer
Fair Grove middle school indoor soccer
February 11, 2020
Fair Grove is introducing middle school indoor soccer this year coached by Bob Florez and Bailey Richardson.
Florez, who also coaches high school indoor soccer, will start coaching middle school indoor soccer. Fair Grove has never had a middle school indoor soccer team before, this is something new for the kids and coaches. Florez said, “I have to have a certain energy with kids since they are younger, but since they have a high energy and so do I it makes it easier to coach.”
Bailey Richardson (11) is assistant coaching for the Middle School team. Richardson has been involved with indoor soccer for awhile so she has experience when it comes to indoor soccer. “Coaching young kids definitely comes with its difficulty, but it’s extremely rewarding; It’s difficult to come up with drills that are fun but still keep them learning and involved. The group of boys are really great and eager to learn.” Florez had a similar view on coaching young kids explaining, “It’s not hard. But when coaching everyone it’s a little bit of a different task.”
Preparation for middle school boys takes time and effort. Richardson elaborated, “I prepared for coaching by helping in the fall with soccer academy, I look for drills and skills important to use during practice.” In order to be a coach or help you would need to have a lot of experience in soccer and have done it for a while before teaching younger kids.
The boys seem to really enjoy soccer and love the coaching that Florez and Richardson offer.
They love the chill environment cause before they played outdoor soccer and many are playing indoor for the first time. Richardson smiled happily and said “My brother is on the team, and I know for sure that loves playing soccer. It’s also very rewarding for them to get goals and watch their teammates improve.” If you have any questions or are interested in joining indoor you can contact Bob Florez or Bailey Richardson.