Fair Grove School District Receives a New Resource Officer
September 15, 2020
This year Fair Grove School District has a new resource officer. As Officer Greg Porter returns to his childhood hometown of Fordland, Fair Grove welcomes Officer Brandon Bond as it’s new resource officer.
Officer Porter worked for the Fair Grove School District as the school resource officer for 12 years before taking a new job at Fordland that is closer to his family. Porter elaborated, “I am doing the same job as I did at Fair Grove, just back in the school I grew up in… I have family in the district and as my kids are getting older, it is nice to have a brother and sister on campus to help when things come up.”

Over the 12 years Officer Porter worked here, he experienced everything from the walls collapsing in the hallway he was standing in with Mr. Bell during the storm of 2009, to being the police officer of the Village People during a fall assembly. “I truly have so many fond memories of Fair Grove and I will miss everything about it, and I wish nothing but the best for Fair Grove and Officer Bond as he takes over the reigns as the new SRO of FG. I can only hope that the community will welcome him and that he can feel the same love I have for the past 12 years,” reminisced Officer Porter.
New school resource Officer Brandon Bond graduated from Willard high school, attended OTC and Drury University. Before becoming a police officer, Bond worked in Willard high school’s library. Eventually he was hired as a police officer in Willard, where he still serves a reserve officer.

Officer Bond explained, “More than anything I wanted to be a Resource Officer… Being able to protect the kids and build positive, meaningful relationships with them is my calling.”
There will be adjustments between being a patrol officer to being a resource officer. “On the street you are not only protecting and helping people, but you are also actively seeking out and dealing with criminals. You see society at its worst, and it is often a dark place. At the school you see the great potential for the future in our children. It is more hopeful and bright,” concluded Bond. His goal is to give every ounce of his being for the children and staff of the Fair Grove School District.