The Daughter Plus One Dance previously known as the Father Daughter Dance was held Sunday, October 7th, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Elementary Gym, the theme was Masquerade Ball.
The Daughter Plus One Dance provides a bonding experience between the young girls and a male role model in their life. A member of the Fair Grove PTO explained the dance as, “The daughters and their [male role model] can dress as nice as they want and enjoy an evening of music and dancing. It is always a well loved event where daughters say they can look and get treated as princesses.”
Ashley Ledrich, a member of the Fair Grove PTO, spoke of the dance as, “Always a big hit and the community appreciates us putting it on.” Ledrich said likely around 100 plus people showed up for the dance.
Middle School History Teacher, Ryan Highstreet, described he and his daughters’ experience saying, “It was a blast. The smiles on their faces will be an everlasting memory.”

Highstreet continued, “The anticipation leading up to the dance each day at home was awesome. They were so happy to be going and couldn’t wait” Highstreet said, “The part that they couldn’t wait for, came to find out, wasn’t the dancing but the cookies, fish crackers and cheese puffs they remembered they got from the year before!”
While the dance has previously been called the Father Daughter Dance, it was changed to the Daughter Plus One Dance this year for a few reasons. The Fair Grove PTO spoke on the change, “It was changed to reflect that some of our daughters might have a dad, or have a stepdad, grandpa, uncle, older brother, etc as their biggest male role model.”
The Daughter Plus One Dance has been an event at Fair Grove for many many years. Ledrich explained how young girls in the community look forward to the dance each year. Highstreet said, “[My daughters} loved every second. These times go fast. Only a few more years that they’ll want to hang out with dad!”
According to the Fair Grove PTO The Daughter Plus One Dance was a huge success this year and they are hoping for an even better one next year.