Pizza and Planning is a day where students can stay after school to study with teachers and ask questions about their finals.
Pizza and Planning was on December 13th and lasted from 3:45 to 7 pm. Students signed up for a class, where they would receive the pizza, however, anyone could travel to any class.
The event this year was one week before the scheduled finals and after the students who qualify receive their opt-out cards, so they can figure out which class they plan on opting out of. One of the most popular classes for students to visit is Nikki Kisling, the College Algebra and Algebra 2 teacher. She had over 20 students sign up and attend her class.
Kisling believes, “Pizza and Planning helps students prepare for their upcoming finals. It is also an opportunity for my students to work on missing assignments and extra credit.” Not every teacher offers extra credit for the night, but some of the higher-level classes offer extra credit to help the students boost their grades.
Sarah Englis teaches Anatomy which is one of the hardest classes, according to herself. Englis mentioned that she had about 10 students attend. She said, “For my Anatomy class there is extra credit … I offer extra credit because Anatomy is ridiculously hard, and a boost at the end of the semester is always a positive. The boost helps the students finish the class strong.”
Kisling suggests that studying more can help all students. Spending extra time on academics, whether it is understanding subjects better or reinforcing what the student already knows, can benefit everyone.
Englis mentioned that having a night like Pizza and Planning can help students who are just a few points away from getting a higher grade. She believes that it is not only beneficial for their grades but also a fun way for students to improve. Englis thinks that combining Pizza and Planning creates an enjoyable and effective way for students to boost their grades, especially when they are close to reaching the next letter grade.
Englis notes that students who attend this event typically perform better on the final exam compared to those who do not show up. Attending Pizza and Planning appears to have a positive correlation with final exam success, as highlighted by Englis’ observation.
Pizza and Planning was a success, with students not only enjoying dinner and also gaining valuable knowledge, Kisling enthused.