The Holiday Shop is a fundraiser run by the Parent-Teacher Organization that allows elementary students to experience shopping and budgeting for their families with the assistance of volunteers or older students.
The Holiday Shop has student’s families send whatever amount of money they can afford with their child to shop from tables, with prices ranging from $1-10. The students are then taken to the Holiday Shop, in the elementary library, during their class’ time slot and have volunteers help with the student shopping. After the student chooses the gifts, the volunteers and students will wrap the gifts and the student will go back to class.
Brooklyn Mauldin is a senior at Fair Grove High School and has been volunteering for the Holiday Shop every year since her 7th grade year. Mauldin said her favorite part of volunteering is being able to be a part of the exciting memories made in the Holiday Shop. Mauldin said, “Being able to be a part of their experience and seeing them smile is something that leaves joy in my heart.”
Ashley Lederich is a Pre-Kindergarten teacher at Fair Grove Elementary and in charge of the PTO’s Holiday Shop. Lederich explained the profits of the Holiday Shop goes back into the school. Lederich explained, “All the profit goes back into the schools to fill teacher and building requests.”
This year’s volunteers for the Holiday Shop were mainly from clubs in Fair Grove High School. Every club is asked by Lederich and PTO to have their members help out with the Holiday Shop. These clubs include A+, SADD, FTA, FFA, STUCO, FCCLA, and more.
Lederich explained how the Holiday Shop wouldn’t run as smoothly without the volunteers from clubs. “Without the help of High School students, the Holiday Shop wouldn’t run as smoothly.” Lederich went on to explain the amount of time each class takes for the Holiday Shop and how it wouldn’t be possible without the highschool students. “It takes a lot of work to help 20-25 students shop and wrap with only 45 minutes to do it. I cannot do it without the High School students,” said Lederich.
This is Lederich’s third and final year of running the PTO’s Holiday Shop. Lederich said, “I have loved helping bring joy to all the Elementary students! It is a huge job but rewarding!” Other events that are run by the PTO include the Carnival, Valentine Grams and Boo Grams, and Daughter/Son Plus One.