Arming Teachers: Favored
Pictured: Haileigh Houston (11)
May 21, 2015
School shootings are possibly one of the most tragic topics you could think of. Parents send their young ones to school everyday hoping they are safe. An intruder could literally come into a school and no one is ever as safe as we’d like. At that point the students must sit and wait for the police to come, and what happens between response time and then is up to the shooter. Ever since the Columbine tragedy the issue of gun control has been dramatically highlighted, as it should be. Heated debates by political figures have come to follow. On September 13, 2004 Congress allowed a bill to pass that banned the sale of nineteen military weapons.
While bans on guns have increased, we still haven’t looked at the initial issue, what happens when the wrong person gets an illegally purchased gun? They could recreate the Columbine all over again. How do we prevent this? I believe the answer is arming teachers with a small caliber gun. According to recent surveys about three fourths of teachers would be willing to carry a weapon. Then we ask ourselves what if a teacher reaches a breaking point and uses their gun in the same way? We generally don’t choose just anyone to be responsible for our kids for seven hours a day, 5 days a week. Teachers are usually very trustworthy, responsible role models for children. Arming teachers offers protection for the students. Calling the police, of course, is our first response, but as we know police response time is not as quick as it might need to be.
This option of course will require proper storing of the gun and a basic course offered to teachers as to how to use them. Schools in Colorado have implemented new safety policies allowing teachers to have a handgun and a conceal and carry.
Arming teachers seems to be the safest way to prevent the rise in school shootings.
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Grace • Sep 22, 2015 at 8:10 am
Go Hailey.