Costumes On Display at Parade


Macy Lumley, Social Media Manager

On the 30th of October, all of the elementary students strolled up to the high school at 2:10 p.m. to show off their exceptional costumes to all the students and staff. Even though high school might be scary to some people, the elementary kids had no fear.
From terrifying werewolves to beautiful princesses, there were many different costumes among the kids. “ My favorite costume was the one Mrs. Compton was wearing. She was that mean witch from The Wizard Of Oz,” explained Reed Icenhower, a fourth grader.
After the kids were finished walking around the high school, they all went back to their classes and they had their own individual class party. Mrs. Crandall, a first grade teacher, elaborated on what they do throughout the whole day, “When we come back from walking, we have our own party and the kids love it! We play games and eat a lot of candy.” Crandall also stated that if a child couldn’t afford a costume, she provided one for them. During these parties, the children play games such as musical chairs, and they make mummies out of toilet paper. They also listen to spooky music while eating their candy and desserts. A lot of hard work and preparation goes into making this day happen. The teachers go and buy decorations for their classroom, and they also set everything up, and make sure that everything runs smoothly
Rhonda Daniels, as well as others, says, “ I am just so thankful that Fair Grove gives us the privilege of dressing up and letting the kids walk through the halls in their costumes. I know at some other schools they don’t let their students take part in any Halloween parties.”