December Teacher of the Month: Mr. Florez


Mr. Florez talks with his English I class.

Nate Brigman

On the first Wednesday of each month during club day the Future Teachers of America (FTA) group determines a teacher that will receive the Teacher of the Month award. Nikki Kisling, co-sponsor of FTA and high school math teacher, is a major part of the process that decides who the teacher of the month is. Mrs. Kisling said, “Each month on club day, the students meet and list strengths and job responsibilities of teachers who teach the same subject. The members receive a ballot and vote on the teacher who they think should receive recognition.”

The FTA voted Joseph Florez as Teacher of the Month for December. This is his 8th year at Fair Grove, and he teaches five English I classes this year, which is a freshman course. “Along with teaching English, I’m the Newspaper class advisor, and in charge of Poetry Club,” said Mr. Florez.

He added, “I also coach boys soccer and girls soccer. By being involved in so many ways, I get tons of opportunities to build relationships with kids and give them a place to fit in, feel accepted, be involved, and stay busy.”

Mrs. Kisling noted, “Mr. Florez was chosen because he has built relationships with his students in the classroom and on the soccer field. He also incorporates new educational tools in the classroom. Many students enjoy his sarcasm as well.”

One of the things that FTA does for the teachers that receive the award is decorate their door. “Students volunteer to come in before and after school the Thursday and Friday after club day to work on the decorations for the teacher’s door.  There are also students who volunteer to make some kind of dessert for the teacher,” stated Mrs. Kisling. Mr. Florez’s door is decorated with a paper “bookshelf” containing reading material from his English I course, and underneath that the door is decorated with various “Florez Memes” that have been created by students.

On his feelings about being chosen as the Teacher of the Month, Mr. Florez said, I’m honored. The FTA kids decorated my door in a nice but also funny way, and I got some chocolate out of it too.”

The next Teacher of the Month will be decided January 9th during the next Club Day.