Springfield Little Theater’s Sticks


Photo of the writer, Dory Baker.

Dory Baker

Springfield Little Theater put on the premiere of the play Sticks on October 10th-12th. The play takes place in a knitting shop, named Sticks and Stones Knitting Shop. The characters are all life long friends that have been through the trials and tribulations of life, and meet at the shop to catch up. While at the shop, a tornado hits and the play takes on a Wizard of Oz twist. 

In all fairness, this play was meant to be performed for an older audience, and I was easily the youngest person in the audience, so personally most of it wasn’t relatable. There were portions where the dialog dragged on too long, and some of it was forced and didn’t feel natural.  Occasionally, the scene would switch to a flashback of the group of friends in high school. When it did the first time, characters portraying who they were in the present were difficult to follow. Overall, the actors did a good job at becoming the characters they were given. The set was well done, exactly what it needed to be, which was an organized mess of different yarns and trinkets around the walls. It really felt like a small knitting shop without being boring. 

Springfield Little theaters next production is Little House on the Prairie the Musical, Son October 25th through November 10th.