National FFA Week


Dory Baker

FFA had a busy week for the last week of February, as it was national FFA week. They had their annual business men’s breakfast, and to finish the week, they went on a field trip.

Wednesday the 26th, FFA held a business men’s breakfast at Hilltop in Fair Grove. FFA sponsor, Cole Johnston, said that it provides an opportunity for the students to interact with local businessmen and women and supporters of Fair Groves FFA chapter. At the breakfast, officers picked up trash, refilled drinks, greeted people and ran the sign in table. Invitations were extended to anyone who had supported FFA or it’s members throughout the year. Johnston explained that they do it “…as a showing of appreciation to the individuals and families that help support our FFA chapter in various ways.”

On Friday, the 28th, they went on a behind the scenes tour at Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield and after, had lunch at Incredible Pizza.

“We decided to go to the zoo because it is an educational tour that we can learn about a different part of the Ag industry people don’t normally see.” According to Brooke Heavin, FFA president, said her favorite part of the field trip was “…getting to see the different departments of the zoo, and how they operate. For example, we met with a zookeeper who talked to us about the different rations of food all the animals get. Then we saw where they keep the food, it’s a giant freezer that has whole rabbits, mice, and all other kinds of weird things.”

The last week in February was the National Future Farmers of America week. Like most high schools, Fair Grove’s FFA club had a spirit week. Monday was America day and kids were encouraged to drive their tractors to school Monday morning. Tuesday students were supposed to dress for the beach. Wednesday was FFA t-shirts for the Business Men’s breakfast. On Thursday they had a ‘thrift shop finds day’.