The Fair Grove High School Scholar Bowl Team has started preparation for another season starting in St. Louis on October 7th after winning a national championship last season.
This scholar bowl season will be different from the last. This last season the scholar bowl team ended their season with a class four state title after a battle against Houston, Missouri. This year will be more difficult than the last, Charles Harp (12) explained, “We would obviously love to go back to state this year but the road ahead is going to be difficult. Especially if our district looks the same as it did last year.”
Winning state and national titles comes with hard work and extreme dedication, even after the title has been won. Aidyn Owings (10) elaborated, “Being nationally ranked also means we have a standard to uphold within the team.” Many competitors are practicing and studying to continue the winning streak.”
This season the scholar bowl team is expecting competition from many other competitive schools. Michelle Wahlquist, the High School Scholar Bowl coach said, “We expect to see solid performances from Clever, Houston, Mexico, some St. Louis teams, and Kickapoo. It’s really difficult to know since teams have new students, move-ins and talented players who are from middle school and are strong.”
To prepare for the season, all competitors use different strategies to learn possible topics. Coach Wahlquist revealed the tactic the Fair Grove team uses, “We just do what we do: study, practice on old sets, and stay inquisitive. The varsity players have seen what it takes to win tournaments and know how to practice. Hopefully the new players will take notice and do what is being modeled for them.”
Outside of practicing and studying, there are many resources for competitors. To prepare for competitions, Harp talked about some of the ways he chooses to prepare, “I have been preparing by going to practices whenever I can and also organizing my own practices at the park. I also use a website called QBreader all the time…” During the season Harp studies multiple topics, as he is considered a Generalist. Generalists don’t focus on one topic, they focus on all topics, trying to become knowledgeable on as much information as possible.
According to Harp, Scholar Bowl is more than just a team, “I love our team and have high expectations for all of us. Something that we have that not many other teams do is camaraderie, we are all friends and work together and lift each other up even if we are losing.”
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join the team. The Scholar Bowl Team meets almost every Wednesday and Friday in Coach Wahlquist’s room until 5:30 P.M. The competitive season begins on October 7, 2023. With many tournaments, including Houston, MO on October 28, 2023 and two tournaments hosted by The Fair Grove Team on November 11, 2023 and February 12, 2024.