On November 14th, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), took a field trip to the Greene County Sheriff Office and County Jail to learn about the consequences of bad driving choices. The student body of SADD were able to learn about the consequences of drunk driving, and bad decisions.
SADD Officer Leila Huff (11), stated, “The purpose of this trip was to help students learn the importance of safe driving while also showing the consequences and effects of making bad decisions.”
SADD Sponsor Lindsay Dunning explained, “This trip is to motivate SADD members to be good examples, by exercising safe driving habits.”
SADD members who attended the field trip have gained a lot of knowledge, and information straight from the source about the consequences of bad choices and driving habits. Huff shared her thoughts over the trip, “I think we all gained some realization about the real consequences from making bad choices. Seeing it from behind the scenes makes you question your choices from a whole other perspective.”
SADD Officer Brenna Boatwright (11) stated, “It showed us what can happen as a result of decisions we can make.” Boatwright also mentioned that it was a good example in showing students what not to do.
With the field trip having such an important message, SADD officers and members want to promote the message of safe driving habits in the best way possible, one of them being Huff who explained, “I will try to lead by example by always wearing my seatbelt and trying to always drive at the speed limit.”
The SADD field trip was the first of many, as Dunning stated, “I’m hoping to incorporate an annual SADD field trip every year. I think it was really worth our while. The students learned so much from the Sheriff’s Office and also had a really great time.”
The next SADD meeting will occur in April, that will focus on drunk driving, and the dangers of bad decisions.